How do you encourage employees to bike?

How do you encourage employees to bike?
Jude Cooley
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Cycling is good for both us and the planet. A daily ride will improve fitness and is a much greener option than the car or public transport. So if you’re an employer, it’s worth considering how to encourage your employees to do so. We suggest how to do it.

Benefits of commuting by bike

The biggest benefits of a daily bike ride to work are undoubtedly the health ones. Regular cycling will strengthen heart function and protect against atherosclerosis. In addition, physical activity every morning and afternoon, on the way to and from work, will improve fitness and endurance. Thus, the risk of civilization diseases is significantly reduced. If you additionally decide to ride a bike all year round, your body will toughen up and your immunity will increase. Moreover, riding a bike works the muscles of your buttocks, legs and abdomen very hard, and during a one-hour ride you will burn over 600 calories. This means that cycling is also a great way to get the desired figure. Additionally, we cannot forget about other benefits of choosing this means of transport. The effects of cycling can also be seen in the costs, as you will save significantly on fueling your car or buying public transport tickets. If you also care about the environment, this form of transport helps to reduce CO2 production – one person per kilometer saves 138 g, which gives even hundreds of kilograms less CO2 per year

Bicycle instead of car or transport – how to encourage your employees?

So how do you encourage your employees to choose a bike instead of commuting by car or public transport? There are several solutions that you, as an employer, can offer.

Space for bicycles

A guaranteed parking space is often included in company benefits. So why not offer your employees a bicycle parking space? Lack of possibility to leave a bike and all the equipment in a safe place is a common reason why people resign from commuting by bike. So it’s a good idea to develop a piece of your parking lot into bike spaces. You can do this with a bike shelter, such as the one available at

Locker room

Riding a bike in typical office attire can prove to be quite a challenge. Therefore, in order to encourage employees to change the means of transport, it is worth providing them with a place where they can change, freshen up and leave their belongings. Surely everyone is more willing to get on a bike in sports clothes, than in a suit or elegant dress


To further encourage employees to choose a greener and healthier means of transport, it’s worth providing them with additional benefits. A great solution and a nice gesture towards cyclists would be, for example, a free meal, or subsidizing bike maintenance or purchase of necessary cycling equipment. You can also organize a competition in the spirit of gamification, in which each of your employees will collect points for kilometers ridden. Such a solution is a great form of integration in the company and has a good impact on its image.

Main photo: Snapwire/

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