Sports business relief – what will it give to clubs?

Sports business relief – what will it give to clubs?
Jude Cooley
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Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has announced changes to the tax law to encourage sports sponsorship by entrepreneurs

The sponsorship relief for entrepreneurs is a project that envisages changes in CIT regulations, thanks to which a sponsor supporting a sports club may double the incurred costs for tax purposes. In practice, an entrepreneur will be able to calculate the tax base by deducting 50% of such costs from the already calculated tax base. This rule will also apply to sponsoring culture and science. Thanks to the introduced changes, clubs will be able to count on greater interest of new sponsors and significantly higher income from sponsorship agreements

Building bonds between local brands and sport

According to the initial assumptions of the Prime Minister’s Office, the changes in the CIT regulations are to encourage local companies to finance local sportsmen, scientists and artists. The tax break is expected to increase the revenue of sports, culture and science venues and boost the development of the areas of social life covered by the project.

Main photo: Fachry Zella Devandra/

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