Tag - exercise

Yoga at your desk – these asanas you can do at work!
Yoga at your desk – these asanas you can do at work!

To take care of your spine and muscles, it’s a good idea to regularly do some basic yoga exercises at your desk. See what asanas you can recreate at work!

Where to start working on your physique? Tips for working out
Where to start working on your physique? Tips for working out

Incorporating regular exercise into our daily routine is not as easy as it may seem. With a few tips from this guide, however, it will prove to be much easier!

How do you combine training with a full-time job?
How do you combine training with a full-time job?

A full-time professional job can easily be combined with workouts by following a few simple rules.

Small exercise accessories to carry with you
Small exercise accessories to carry with you

If you want to keep fit on a regular basis, it is worth buying training accessories such as dumbbells, kettlebells, exercise bands or TRX bands.