What internal games for employees are worth organizing?

What internal games for employees are worth organizing?
Jude Cooley
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A good atmosphere in the workplace is essential – both in terms of performance, motivation and mental health of employees. What internal games will help strengthen interpersonal ties and, as a result, create a friendly work environment? Here are our suggestions!

Team building – what is it?

Team building, or simply translated as team building, refers to the process that aims to turn a group of independent employees into a cohesive team. Members of a properly built team should have mutual respect for each other and enjoy spending time together both inside and outside the workplace. Positive relationships between employees, on the other hand, translate into effective cooperation that enables them to efficiently and effectively achieve their goals. One of the best ways for team building are various internal games, thanks to which colleagues will have the opportunity to get to know each other in completely new circumstances. Below are some suggestions – they are certainly worth trying!


Paintball is a team game that over the past few years has won the hearts of thousands of people from all corners of the world. This type of activity is increasingly becoming the main attraction at birthday parties, bachelor parties or… just internal meetings for employees. Reports of daredevils who had the opportunity to try their hand at paintball are unanimous – it’s not only a competition, but first of all great and universal fun. Field shooting at each other with paint-filled projectiles is a substantial adrenaline rush and an opportunity to get to know both one’s partners and players from the opposing team better.

Treasure hunters

The game of treasure hunters is worth paying attention to primarily because it offers basically countless possibilities. After all, the potential scenarios for the course of the game are limited only by the imagination of the participants, and this – as we all know – can be really exuberant. An internal game for employees under the theme of treasure hunters, for example, can refer to the workplace. Colleagues are divided into smaller teams, which first have to perform the tasks given to them, and then complete the set goal. 

Sound familiar? In the reality of the game, the target is, of course, to find the treasure, but later on it is possible to successfully translate cooperation between individuals into achieving goals in the company. In addition, playing treasure hunters develops qualities desired by the employer, such as creativity or the ability to think outside the box.


It may not necessarily be a game, but a joint canoe trip can prove to be a proverbial hit and a breath of fresh air that employees need. Everyone needs a change of environment and mindset sometimes, and this kind of activity definitely fosters that. In addition, traversing unpredictable waters in kayaks requires a group of people to work together impeccably under the principle of one for all, all for one! Canoeing is an idea that will work especially well among employees who like surprises, but not only. To sum up – it is certainly worth considering starting to build a cohesive team with a canoe trip.

main photo: unsplash.com/James Fitzgerald

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